About us

Company Overview

PT  CARISMA  SENTRA  PERSADA  was  established  on 11  November  2001  by  a  combining  the  engineering  and  transportation experience of a group of professionals.

PT CARISMA SENTRA PERSADA is committed to provide  qualified services that are guaranteed, based on  COMPETENCE, INTEGRITY, INNOVATION and TRUST with a competitive pricing policy.

PT CARISMA SENTRA PERSADA is the solution if wholeness,  safeness and accurate timing are your demand.

Associated Companies


PT TECNICA MATARAMregistered in Mataram,  Lombok, Indonesia, for maintenance the loading/unloading and bagging machine equipment,  engineering and contruction.


PT PRIMADAYA MAKMUR, registered in Jakarta,  Indonesia, for ship loading/unloading, custom  clearence and land transportation of the fertilizer in  bulk , cement in bag, container, etc. For the custom clearence service, PT Gaharu Sentra  Nusantara (NPPJK – 000185/2007) as the affiliated  company of PT Primadaya Makmur will act as custom

clearance agent.


PT TALLY MANAGEMENT INDONESIA registered in Banten, Denpasar, Mataram & Surabaya,  Indonesia as tally company. Its activities is tallying.


PT ISPETTORE CARGANTARA INDONESIA registered in Jakarta, Indonesia as surveyor company.  Its activities are draft survey, Checker, Cargo Check  Weight, etc)

About us

Meet our team

We are a company who realize that a learn of professional human resources is the most valuable asset. High personal integrity, sharpness and competence at work along with the responsibilities of the executives within the company are our added value

Main Commissioner

Ariadi Handayanto


Andi Agustono W


Salman Farizi

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